Learn and Explore
I got back for the International Quilt Festival in Houston about a week ago, and what a wonderful and fun trip it was. We had a luxurious place to stay that was a comfortable walk from the convention center, and not far from an incredibly diverse grocery store. As always, there were hundreds of classes to choose from, a vendor mall that was so big it was overwhelming, and a fabulous display of quilts.
There was so much to see, such beautiful artistry. The quilts were colorful and original. They were pieced, painted, dyed, whole cloth, embellished. There was every size and shape imaginable. They even had a display of saddles that had been quilted. It was a lot to take in, especially when you’re trying to find the quilt that you know your friend entered, but you have no idea where in the center it was! There was inspiration to be found everywhere you looked.
I chose classes to learn new techniques, and that gave me the opportunity to play around with some different materials, including paints and dyes, silk roving, different stabilizers and cheesecloth. The opportunity to learn from other quilters, other fiber artists is one that I always look forward to. The experience did not disappoint. Although neither item is quite finished yet, my pictures here show the work in progress from the classes.
It doesn’t really matter how good you are, there is always more that you can learn. There are always explorations that you haven’t done before, techniques to learn, art to make. Never stop learning, never stop creating.
Follow me on Instagram: https://instagram.com/reggi_coles
Reggi Coles
new techniques, Quilt Festival, keep learning, keep creating
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