The Power of Support
In today’s world of constantly striving for self awareness and self improvement I am sure you’ve heard that surrounding yourself with good people will elevate you. It does. I belong to a wonderful mastermind group, and I have accountability partners, all of whom I love, trust, and respect. And yes, I have more than one accountability partner. It is wonderful to have a support system like that in place, and they’ve all been invaluable in my growth, both professionally and personally.
With my Mastermind group we all bring our business challenges to the meeting to discuss. Yes, it does require allowing yourself to be vulnerable, but that is why it’s important to only have people you trust in the group. But more than just bringing challenges, you can bring ideas. I’ve recently had an idea for another business (stay tuned for more on that!), and I was able to talk about it, and get some great input and feedback, and add some flesh to those bare idea bones. It’s a wonderful platform to expand yourself, and a safe environment to brainstorm. No one laughs at your ideas, and everyone wants you to succeed.
The same with accountability partners. You may be a little leery of this. It can be so uncomfortable, even intimidating to have someone hold you accountable. Are you having flashbacks to your school days? Are you relating that to an overbearing employer who always wants to know what you’re doing, how you’re doing it and when it’ll be finished? It doesn’t have to be like that. If you have ideas that don’t tend to go anywhere because you’re too tired, too busy, or just plain don’t know how to get started, then an accountability partner is just what you need. An accountability partner is someone that will help you set up your action steps, making them both reasonable and doable and provide the encouragement you need to accomplish them. You will end up holding yourself way more accountable than your partner will. Sometimes it’s about sharing what you’re doing and having other people believe in you and what you’re doing. It can be a lot like doing a vision board. Set your sights on something, put your cheerleaders in place, and then go get it. Go create my friends. Make something happen!
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Create, Believe, Mastermind, Accountability Partner
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