That's it. That's my word for this year. Connect. It just feels right, and when I had the wonderful Dr. Keppy muscle test me, it came through strong. This past year I've felt a little disconnected. I left my favorite networking group due to some family issues a while back, and I had withdrawn a bit from some other activities and connections just to keep from being overwhelmed. I do tend to be more introverted these days, but I do miss some of that personal connection. 
So far I've visited a new networking group, I joined a book club, I've been more active in some of my FaceBook groups, and I've been more conscious about connecting with and seeing some of my friends face to face. I'm not sure what else this year has in store for me, but I'm feeling grounded and ready. How about you? I'd love to hear what your word is, and connect with you.
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When I am asked to do a custom piece, sometimes they go together quickly, sometimes it takes a while. It seems cliché to say, but I really do wait for the inspiration to come. It may flow quietly, slowly, gently, or occasionally it comes through with such force and power that I have to answer it. Others are a happy medium and come at a pace that is easy to work with, and just moves a long a bit at a time.
I usually take some time to process what the piece is to be, and I try to get a feeling for the colors it wants to be, and also what kind of elements and embellishments I will incorporate into it. There are so many techniques that I work with it can be a challenge to narrow it down and find the right one. Finishing the piece also takes some serious consideration. I can make it into a wall hanging with a traditional quilt finish, or I can have it framed. If I’m framing it, I still have to decide how to finish the edges. Should it be a raw edge, an embellished finish, or something new, and whether that edge will be seen as part of the piece, or hidden behind the frame.
On this piece, I pondered for quite a while what I wanted to do. It sat in the back of my mind for a while just brewing, percolating. First the color scheme came. In fact, I used the first piece of fabric I pulled out. When I read the symbolism of dragonflies, and blue dragonflies in particular I knew I had it. I never even looked at a second piece of fabric. After that the rest flowed smooth and easy. This piece didn’t want a lot of extra embellishment, and it didn’t want to be framed. It wanted simplicity.
It takes a lot of thought to choose your word of the year, and when I create a piece for you with that word (or phrase), I really try to imbue it with my own energy and positivity for you. I hope you enjoy this most recent creation.
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Ubuntu is a Nguni Bantu term meaning "humanity". It is often translated as "I am because we are," or "humanity towards others", but is often used in a more philosophical sense to mean "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity". It is a concept that resonates so deeply with me that I mention Ubuntu on my website, so when I was asked to do Ubuntu as a word of the year I was thrilled.
A small backstory on this piece. Sometimes when friends travel out of the country I will give them some money and ask them to bring me back some fabric or textiles, with the promise that I will love everything/anything they bring back. Last year, my friend Robyn went to South Africa. She brought back some lovely fabric, and I've been waiting for the right opportunity to incorporate it in a piece.
I’ve done Robyn’s word of the year for several years now. When she told me her word this year was Ubuntu, and she was hoping that I could use some of fabric she brought back with her, it was pretty easy. I only needed to look at the fabric before the ideas started happening. I hope you enjoy this piece, and if you are interested in an art piece of your own I’d love to hear from you.
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Once Thanksgiving is over, I like to focus toward the future. Granted, I am pretty much always looking forward, but this time of the
year is key for me. I take the time to reflect back over the past year. Did I accomplish the goals I set out to do? Then I look at what’s coming. What’s next? What do I want to focus on in the coming year? Now is the time I choose my word of the year.
How many of you have a word of the year? For those of you who wonder what I am talking about, having a word of the year is a powerful way to work on yourself or what you want to achieve throughout the year. Choose a word that resonates with you, something meaningful, something that you want to focus on, or just something you want to be more mindful about. Write it down and put it somewhere that you will see it regularly and keep it top of mind. Some of my past words are Shine, Abundance, Grace, and this past year, Limitless.
I don’t know what it’ll be for 2019. I have a couple friends who already know, and I really like what they’ve come up with.
I’ve been tossing around “Magic” and “Create” but I feel like there is still something more exact to be discovered. I’d love to hear what your word is, either this past year, or what you’re thinking about for next year. Comment on my FaceBook page, or email. I’d love to hear from you!
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Reggi Coles